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Economics: Development Economics: Online Resources

A guide for UWCSEA Economics students focusing on Development Economics

Useful search terms

Useful search terms include the following:

agrarian development; agrarian power relations; alternative economics; bartering; black economy; community-based development; credit and banking; credit programmes; community development;  development economics; discrimination; economic development; economic geography; economic growth; economic policy; education; environmental economics; environmental policy; fertility; fiscal architecture; gender economics; governance; growth; health; household decision making; household economics; inequality; informal institution; informal networks; infrastructure economics; institutions; interlinked markets; international trade; labour economics; land reforms; local government effectiveness; local institutions; natural resource management; policy reform; political development; political economy; political economy of development; poverty; programme evaluation; public economics; public policy; public sector; regional economics; regional planning; rural development; social funds; social policy; spatial inequality;


Here are some links to the resource guides of other libraries that you may find useful.  Please note that you may not have access to all the resources indicated in these guides.  They are intended as a springboard to your own research.

Research links

Databases - UWCSEA subscription

Logins and passwords can be accessed from:



UWCSEA subscribes to several Gale products, including custom selection of magazines and professional journals, a small selection of ebooks, pposing VIewpoints - a database of information on contemporary issues, pro and con..

Gale Power Search


Project Muse is an online database of more than 200 journals from nonprofit publishers.  Academic focus.


JSTOR is an online database of scholarly journals & books.  Academic focus. 


SIRS Knowledge Source

A general reference database that contains thousands of full-text articles exploring social, scientific, health, historic, economic, business, political and global issues.


Espresso Clipbank  An extensive subject based video library.


Philip Allan “Review” Journals - ARCHIVE

(We have other Philip Allan titles in print copies - see library catalog holdings for all journals with “review” in the title).

NB: The archives do NOT contain the most recent issue.


Databases - other institutions

Open Access Journals

Data and Statistics

It is important that you can back up your arguments in a discussion paper or essay with factual data.  In the Economics Research library guide a list of links to organisations providing data and statistics is given to assist you.  There is a wide range of information and you need to take care that the correct data is chosen. 

Environment and Development Economics

Environment and Development Economics publishes articles and papers related to environmental, resource and development economics. The Journal has two main sections, Theory and Applications, which includes regular academic papers and Policy Options, which includes papers that may be of interest to the wider policy community. Environment and Development Economics also publishes occasional Policy Fora (discussions based on a focal paper). From time to time the journal publishes special issues based on a particular theme.

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Journal of Development Economics

The Journal of Development Economics publishes papers relating to all aspects of economic development - from immediate policy concerns to structural problems of underdevelopment. The emphasis is on quantitative or analytical work, which is relevant as well as intellectually stimulating. The Journal publishes original research papers and reviews, it does not publish book reviews.

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The Economist

Click here to access the latest issue (& back issues)
via Gale Powersearch (instant access while on campus)

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