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Primary Research Hub


The information here will help you to:

  • think critically about the quality of the information you find
  • understand there are techniques and strategies to apply to evaluate information
  • avoid BIAS (inaccurate or misleading information)  

Remember good researchers use multiple resources of different types. Use books, Encyclopedia Britannica, websites, videos and interviews!






Use these three questions as a starting point to evaluate websites.

     (this information is often at the bottom of the website) 

  • created this website? 
  • can the author be trusted?
  • is the author an expert in the field?
  • are there spelling / grammatical errors?
  • can you contact the author?


  • does it contain useful information?
  • does it help to answer your questions?
  • would you bookmark it for future use?
  • is it easy to read and understand?
  • is it easy to find your way around?


  • when was the site created?
  • how recently was the site updated?
  • do the links work?

Understanding URL endings.

The website suffix helps us understand the type of website:

Suffix Description
.gov a government site
.edu an educational institution
.org an organisation
.com / .net a commercial site
.sg a site from Singapore
.biz a business
.info a site with general information
.ac an academic site which ususally has the country with it -