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WS: Finding a library book at home and in the classroom: Basic

Did you know that you can find the book that you want BEFORE you come to the library? Here's how.....


Library Map - click to enlarge


The call # is the address of the book - where it is in the library

Click on the title to read more about the book ...the blurb

If the picture of the book cover has

Title Peek

written underneath, it is an invitation to find out more about the book or the author


Have you mastered this?

There is so much more that you can do.

Follow this link

For a really powerful search that will help you find the exact book that you want use the search on the left hand side of this page.

Login using your GAPPS details


Look and the search boxes. What choices will you make to get to the type of books you are looking for?


How to choose - Keyword * Title * Author * Subject * Series * Note

Think about how you might use AND * OR * NOT to combine some of the things above.

Getting even more precise

Limit your search for titles...

Remember - you can sort the results

Sort by status to find books that are available and most likely to be in the library