The Importance of Biodiversity
Biodiversity is crucial to sustaining life on Earth, and in this episode of Environment and Ecology, students learn about the efforts being made by scientists all over the world to maintain this vital biodiversity. Running time: 17 mins.
In the video, Prof. Hoegh-Guldberg shows how increased CO2 emissions have led to warming of the seas and ocean acidification, both of which have already caused the death of many coral reefs and may cause their mass extinction in the next few decades. Running time: 29 minutes |
Field Biologist is the story of 22-year-old Tyler Christensen, a remarkably talented but somewhat rudderless high school graduate from New Jersey still trying to figure out what to do with his life. Tyler's great love is being outside, chasing birds and studying wildlife. Brushing aside his lack of a college degree or scientific credential, he decides to drop everything and travel to Costa Rica to start doing his own conservation-oriented research on birds in the tropics. His adventure takes him from the cloud forests of Monteverde to the mangrove swamps of the Nicoya Peninsula, culminating in a plan to help save the highly endangered mangrove hummingbird.