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The students will investigate how the survival of many animals and their habitats is influenced by a variety of events. They will discover the different places animals live, what animals need to survive and how we as humans can be responsible for the survival of animals through the impact on the natural and man made environments where they live.

I understand that....

  • Animals depend on their surroundings for food and shelter.
  • Responsible actions improve and preserve significant features in the environment
  • Science investigations begin with a question and a guess.
  • Science explanations can change when new information is reviewed and shared.
  • Caring for the environment and the needs of others contributes to the well-being of communities.
  • Individuals take responsibility for themselves.

Wild City - Singapore

Wild City on Toggle TV

Wild City is available to viewers from UWCSEA

As a not-for-profit  educational institution we make this copy available for teachers from UWCSEA to be used for teaching purposes at UWCSEA. 

Pursuant to information as of 2012
© 2008, 2012 Intellectual Property Office of Singapore

This copy made on 22 April 2015 from Channel News Asia

Wild City - Hidden Wild (Part 1)

Wild City - Urban Wild (Part 2)

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Primary School Teacher-Librarian (East)