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Music: Introduction: Books

Dewey Decimal Classification

Below you will find a list of call numbers using the Dewey Decimal Classification system which indicate where books concerning music can be found. In the library, our music books have been shelved together.  The shelf QR code will lead you to this Libguide.
780 Music 
781 General principles & musical forms 
782 Vocal music 
783 Music for single voices; The voice 
784 Instruments & instrumental ensembles 
785 Chamber music
786 Keyboard & other instruments 
787 Stringed instruments 
788 Wind instruments 

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MIT Media Lab

Tod Machover of MIT's Media Lab is devoted to extending musical expression to everyone, from virtuosos to amateurs, and in the most diverse forms, from opera to video games. He and composer Dan Ellsey shed light on what's next. At MIT's Media Lab, Tod Machover creates boundary-breaking new music, often using new instruments and music technologies he has invented. Dan Ellsey uses Hyperscore music software and a custom-tuned musical "hyperinstrument" to write, perform and conduct his music, and to help others learn how to compose. 

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