This guide has been created in order to assist students in their investigation and research in the field of literature. It is not meant to be all inclusive, but rather a selection of topics, issues, researchers and thinkers, books, online resources and social media to pique interest in literature and act as a road map as to where further resources can be found.
The link below will take you to the UWCSEA-East Curriculum guide for IB Psychology hosted on Google Sites
This little video animates the musing of Alan de Botton on the purpose of literature.
Literature, as any other academic discipline, uses terms and abbreviations in a specific way.
* This link will take you to the Glossary of all American terms.
* For the Glossary of Literary Terms by Virtual Salt
* Glossary of Literary Criticism by Florida State university
Below are some books we have in the library.
This guide was created by Nadine Bailey between November 2013 and June 2015.
Please report any problems or missing links to for changes and updates.