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EAST East Libraries

United World College of Southeast Asia - East - has two libraries at the campus in Tampines.

  • The Primary Library serves approximately 1000 students in the Infant (K1, K2 & Grade 1) and Junior (Grades 2-5) schools.
  • The Kishore Mahbubani Library (also referred to as the Secondary Library) serves approximately 1560 students in the Middle (Grades 6-8) and High (Grades 9-12) schools.
The libraries are an integral component of the learning life at the East campus, supporting all members of the community as critical thinkers, creative and innovative problem solvers, and principled and literate users of all forms of information.  
Our growing collection of print and digital resources is built around the concept that the purpose of the library is to spread ideas, intra- and extra-curriculum.  The most basic strategy is to foster reading to learn, reading to understand, and reading for enjoyment.  
As physical spaces, the libraries have been designed to maximise exposure to materials and to encourage communication and collaboration, while also offering rooms for quiet reading and research.