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Aesthetica Magazine: Promoting new contemporary writers and artists. This site emphasizes equality, creativity, and diversity.
The Blue Pencil Online: This online literary magazine is edited and produced by students at the Walnut Hill School, an arts high school in Natick, MA. Submissions must be from teens who have not yet graduated. You may be considered for the Elizabeth Bishop Prize—a full tuition scholarship to a summer writing program in MA!E
Candlelight Stories: Candlelight Stories invites story writers (grades 6–12) and illustrators to submit their work to be published on Candlelight. The site also contains an international gallery of illustrated stories including "Thumbelina" and "Slim Hick—The World's Only Singing Cowboy Ant."
Cricket Media: Accepts fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry from writers between 14 and 23. Artwork and photos are also considered. A “Call for Creative Endeavors” offers a new theme for every issue.
Underlined: Underlined is an online writing community for teens and young adults. As well as allowing writers to post their work and read others’ submissions, it has a moderated forum and exclusive features from published authors.
Hunger Mountain (Vermont College Fine Arts): Takes pieces for all age groups, but has a special section for YA and Children's Lit. Literary journal looking for "polished pieces that entertain, that show the range of adolescent experience, and that are compelling, creative…" Takes short stories, poetry, novel/novella excerpts, and creative nonfiction.
Muse: Aimed at grades 4-8. Scientific writing. Looking for scientific accuracy, lively approaches to subject, and the inclusion of primary research. Themed. Interested in fiction up to 1000 words.
One Teen Story: A subset of One Story, Inc., a literary magazine that publishes one short story a month. Submissions are only open for a certain amount of time every year.
Skipping Stones: An International Multicultural Magazine; The Youth Honor Awards recognize creative and artistic works by young people that promote multicultural and nature awareness.
Our Bodies Our Selves: Teen Voices is an alternative magazine for, by, and about teen girls. Teens in the Boston area can apply to become editors, and young women from all around the world can submit their fiction, poetry, and nonfiction for consideration.
Stone Soup: A magazine site for younger writers to publish their artwork and stories. Has excellent links for young writers.
The Economist: The winning essay will be published on The Economist's Open Future website and the winner will be invited to attend one of the three Open Future Festival events, to be held in Hong Kong, Manchester and Chicago.
New York Times: Contests for High School and Middle School students in photography, personal narrative writing, podcasts, 30 second vocabulary video, editorial cartoons, reviews (anything the NYT reviews), real world connections, STEM-writing and editorials.