Below you will find a list of call numbers using the Dewey Decimal Classification system which indicate where books concerning ESS can be found.
304 Factors affecting social behavior
- 304.2 Human ecology
- 304.5 Genetic factors
- 304.6 Population
- 304.8 Movement of people
333 Land economics
- 333.1 Public ownership and control of land and other natural resources
- 333.2 Ownership and control of land and natural resources by nongovernmental groups
- 333.3 Individual (Private) ownership and control of land and other natural resources
- 333.5 Rental and leasing of land and other natural resources
- 333.7 Natural resources and energy
- 333.8 Subsurface resources
- 333.9 Other natural resources
363 Other social problems & services
- 363.1 Public safety programs
- 363.2 Policy services
- 363.3 Other aspects of public safety
- 363.4 Controversies related to public morals and customs
- 363.5 Housing
- 363.6 Public utilities and related services
- 363.7 Environmental problems and services; ecology; pollution
- 363.8 Food supply
- 363.9 Population problems
570 Life sciences
577 General nature of life
580 Botanical sciences
590 Zoological sciences
- 591.5 Ecology of animals
- 598.2 Ecology and geographic treatment of birds