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UWCSEA Libraries: Premium Content

UWCSEA Libraries Premium Content - Multi-category gallery filter

Premium Library Content

NEW LIBRARYeast Website

FIND Discovery Layer

Search many databases and the library catalog in one place. By EBSCO

Elicit AI Research

Search over 126 million academic papers from Semantic Scholar. Also list concepts & extract data from pdf files. Use your GAPPS account to log in.

Scite.ai_ is a next-generation AI research assistant. Search, analyse and cite with AI. Use your GAPPS account to log in


Insights and facts across 170 industries and 150+ countries. Use your GAPPS account to log in


7000+ magazines and newspapers from 150+ countries in 60+ languages

Borrow Box

3600+ ebooks and audiobooks for any device


Notetaking, organising, synthesising, citing and more. Use your GAPPS account to log in


Discover your next read.

Encyclopedia Britannica

Search for just about any topic you like. K-12

Story Box Library

Stories read aloud by actors, storytellers and authors


K-3 Animals, Science, Social Studies, Biographies and Health


1,000+ animated movies on science, social studies, math, technology, health & arts

The Day News

Daily news written by journalists with analysis & features. Signup for a daily email

Explora Primary

Research database.

Explora Secondary

Research database.

Philosophy Now

For everyone interested in ideas. NO OFF CAMPUS ACCESS

ProQuest News

Global news from 900+ newspapers (including the Straits Times).


12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.

ProQuest Central K-12

Journal articles in science, technology, education, social sciences, humanities, & news.

SIRS Issues Researcher

Exploring global issues.


Stream films anytime, anywhere on your preferred devices.

New York Times

American daily newspaper based in New York City

Digital Theatre +

Bringing live performance onto any device.

Drama Online

Theatre studies, literature courses and drama schools.

Financial Times

Latest news in finance.


Short video lectures in the arts, humanities & social sciences.


Educational games, simulations, puzzles and activities.

Literary Reference Center

Synopses, critical essays, book reviews, plus full-text classic novels, short stories and poems.

History Reference Center

Historical reference books, magazines, journals & thousands of primary source documents.

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