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Mathematics: Introduction: Topics

Some famous problems

History of Math

These are websites that relate specifically to the historical development of mathematics. Curated by the University of California librarian, Lydia Fletcher.



Uses of Calculus in real life

Here is a great integration tool from the clever guys at Wolfram Alpha
online integration tool

What have the following got in common?
  • The Average Value of a Function
  • The Area under a Curve
  • A bag of air
  • The most famous car crash in history
  • Boxers
Read this and find out!
Head Injury Criterion

Mathematicians dog knows calculus! Really!
Discussion on who invented Calculus form BBC Radio - in our time
Melvyn Bragg and guests Patricia Fara, Simon Schaffer and Jackie Stedall discuss the dispute between Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz over who invented calculus.


Homer Simpson and Fermat's last theorem

Math Anxiety

Mathematical anxiety is anxiety about one's ability to do mathematics independent of skill. Here is a link to a site on coping with math anxiety



check out the Exact values sin 1° to sin 90°
Heres how you do

How do you feel today? How will you feel tomorrow? or next week
Ask a trig graph....!!!
here is an online calculator
I am as open minded as the next guy and love Mathematical applications but I must point out I am just a little skeptical about this!!! Read this to help you understand why these are pseudoscientific claims - this topic will move over to my TOK box at some point!!

Desert Ants Are Better Than Most High School Students At Trigonometry!!!!!

Here is a link to an AMAZING summary of the facts about the unit circle.

Trigonometric functions - a history

Applications of Math